Redeemer’s sermon resources have been a Gospel lifeline for me, our family and many friends. We live in a small agricultural town thousands of miles away from Redeemer. Our thankfulness for access to Dr. Keller’s sermons, books and Redeemer’s other resources is beyond measure. They have transformed our faith and attitudes about church, our relationships with others and people around the world.
Five years ago God allowed a very stressful situation in church to drive me to a deeper relationship with God. The Reason for God had helped our young adult sons begin to work through their cynicism and skepticism of Christianity and Christians so I looked for more by Dr. Keller. I found the online ministry of Redeemer’s resources and immersed myself, sometimes listening up to several sermons a day for the past five years. God drew me near. I was learning to trust Him and allow Him to be God and not me. I can finally say I am thankful for what He allowed me to experience so I could be so blessed.
The eternal perspective of what can never be lost or taken away when we belong to the Lord, when He is first, is becoming more of a reality.
Now my family and many friends are all “sitting at the feet” of Dr. Keller, absorbing the Gospel with new insight, cutting through the cynicism, skepticism, hypocrisy and trials of the world today. Our sons have listened to many of Dr. Keller’s sermons and read more of his books. They say they “have a problem with Keller, he makes so much sense! “
My husband utilizes Dr. Keller’s audio sermons, books and Logos sermon notes to teach an adult Sunday school class. We pray together in the morning and often thank God for teachers like Tim Keller who give us such insight and clarity of the Gospel. The eternal perspective of what can never be lost or taken away when we belong to the Lord, when He is first, is becoming more of a reality. Dr. Keller has given us a new perspective on how God used difficult times in our lives over the past sixty years to draw us closer to Him and to recognize the personal idols of profession, marriage, children, and even church work. Thankfully God has not given up; we are realizing it is not what we do but what He has already done, to God be the Glory!
I am never afraid to invite anyone to go online to listen to Dr. Keller. The clarity of the Gospel is always present. The example of Redeemer’s mission to reach out to the marginalized reinforces our mission commitment. We are all truly indebted to Dr. Keller, Kathy Keller and Redeemer for making their resources available and readily accessible for all.